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Prices, terms and methods of payment
Prices are as follows:
Regarding translation, prices are calculated per source word and start at 0.05 EUR. The ones regarding PDF files, however, are rated at 0.06 EUR since it takes more time and effort, and require additional licensed software for processing. TM (translation memory) matches from 100% to 70% are discounted (from 50% to 90% of the above prices), i.e. highly technical texts pertaining to various models of a product line could cost you less – do not hesitate to make an inquiry if I have already translated any text for you. Translation includes reviewing and proofreading.
The cost of reviewing or proofreading as individual service is 9.00 EUR per hour.
Converting PDF files into .docx, .xlsx, .txt, or .html format: 0.50 EUR per visible page. This service includes spellcheck.
The price of creating a TM is 0.10 EUR per segment. Both the source text and the target text should match.
The term of payment is usually thirty days following the invoice date, but could be negotiated depending on the volume, deadline, and file formats.
The method of payment could be one of the following:
A bank transfer,
Wise, or
The bank fees on behalf of the client shall be paid by the latter.
I use UniCredit Bulbank that is part of the UniCredit Group.
You can also subscribe to my services – please check below.