- Specialized Translations

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Master's degrees in:

  • English Philology Translation and Business Communication, the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria (20122013)

  • International Economic Relationships, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria (19941999).

Experience and Specialization

As at 30 June 2021 I have translated more than 3.8 m words including four books on marketing and management (if interested, please check my CV, which contains a full list of past translations, here). You can see photos thereof on the left.

Fields of specialization: economics, including advertising, bookkeeping, finance, foreign trade, forex, insurance
; legal; marketing; Political science, and PR. I am also interested in technology and translate technical texts and websites. I consult three engineers: two in electronics and electrical engineering and one in mechanical engineering.
I have
had seven-year experience in the field of foreign trade that consisted of negotiating business terms, drafting and translating foreign-trade contracts, and collecting amounts due.

Use of Specific Tools in the Translation Industry

CAT (Computer-assisted Translation) tools:

  • CafeTran Espresso (primary);

  • XTM, MemoQ 9.1 licences are to be provided by the client;

  • Tested or previously used CAT tools: Fluency Now, SDL Trados Studio 2011, Déjà Vu X2, Translation Workspace;

  • Online: WordFast Anywhere, Memsource Cloud, Matecat, and SmartCAT.

PDF-handling software:

  • FlexiPDF 2019 capable of editing complex PDF files. Such files usually constitute user's manuals and advertising brochures. In addition to directly editing this type of files, it allows to extract the text for translation, and then the translated text is imported into a copy of the file, preserving the layout. This method renders better results compared to the standard process of OCR (optical character recognition) and automatic conversion to Word and Excel file formats. It is better in respect of user's manuals, technical brochures, advertising materials, etc.

  • PDF Transformer Pro 2.0 for converting PDF files into Word, Excel, HTML or .txt format (OCR).

Other pieces of software: licensed copies of Microsoft 8.1 (64-bit) and Microsoft Office Home & Business 2010.


I am a member of the Certified PRO Network that has been developed by the reportedly biggest portal in the industry, ProZ.com, which has more than one million members globally. Members join the Network (45,519 members as at 6th July 2021) following a verification process based on degrees and a test revised by language specialists.
This membership also entails rules on confidentiality.

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